Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 9, 2010 - Meeting Notes

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Toastmaster for the evening: Keith McLusky


Sergeant at Arms, Manuel Glaze, opened the meeting and lead the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

President, Suzanne Harrison, read the club mission, welcomed members and guests, and announced that the evening's meeting was an open house for members of the church. There were three guests from the congregation: Bob, Anita, and Tom. Two other guests visited the club on the evening of the 9th, including one second time visitor - Autumn.

Suzanne then introduced Keith McLusky as the Toastmaster for the evening. Keith did a marvelous job of explaining his role as master of ceremonies or facilitator for the evening, and followed this education theme throughout the evening in order to inform our guests and members of the purpose for various roles.


Mohammad assumed the role of Word Master for the evening, for the first time since becoming a member of B.E.T. He challenged all club members and guests to interject the word throughout the meeting, when appropriate.

Momentous: a term reserved for those extra special, important, or memorable moments in life.


Janet Shreibman shared a humorous anecdote about an insightful and compassionate third grader who wanted to spare his teacher from embarrassment.


Jackie Houtz acted as Tables Topics Master for the evening, challenging Toastmasters members to think on their feet and practice their impromptu speaking skills during the Table Topics section of the meeting. She provided each speaker to share a challenge to share specific aspects of their Toastmasters experience with the group.

Table Topics Speaker #1)
Tim Stowell
was challenged with sharing what brought him to Toastmasters, what he was looking for from Toastmasters, and why he decided to join.

Table Topics Speaker #2)
Dasie Schulz
was challenged with sharing her experience with Toastmasters and what it has done for her.

Table Topics Speaker #3)
James Justice
was challenged with sharing a memory of a momentous club meeting, Aha moment, or funny occasion associated with Toastmasters.


Speech #1)
Manuel Glaze gave speech #7 from the Competent Communicator manual (Research Your Topic) entitled "A Case for Ross Perot"

Speech #2)
John Richardson gave his Ice Breaker Speech, speech #1 from the Competent Communicator manual entitled "Today is Day Five"

Speech #3)
Mike Costa gave a speech to fulfill the assignment for Beginning Your Speech, from the the advanced speaking mannual, Best Speaker Series.

Speech #4)
Allan Daniels gave a speech to fulfill the assignment for Make Them Laugh, from the the advanced speaking mannual, Humoursly Speaking: "Thinking Thanksgiving Thoughts".


General Evaluator - Gary Karg

Evaluator #1)
Rachel Sumner evaluating Manuel Glaze

Evaluator #2)
Michael Moryc evaluating James Justice

Evaluator #3)
Srimanth Brindavanam evaluating Mike Costa

Evaluator #4)
Susan Martin evaluating Allan Daniels

Grammarian/Ah Counter - Gary Karg


Best Table Topic Speaker - James Justice tied with Dasie Schulz

Best Evaluator - Michael Moryc

Best Speaker - John Richardson for his Ice Breaker Speech. Congratulations, John!


Once again members of BET made a terrific effort to use the WOD. Excellent work!! Those who worked the word into the meeting included:

Keith McLusky
Mike Costa
Jackie Houtz
John Richardson
Michael Moryc
Susan Martin
Srimanth Bridavanam
Mr. Anderson (visitor!)

(Sorry if I missed anyone)


To close the meeting, President Suzanne Harrison thanked James for giving an educational presentation (Giving Effective Feedback) post meeting. She reminded everyone that the new issue of the B.E.T. Buzz has was out and then solicited feedback about the meeting from our guests.

Good job, everyone!!

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