Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

News Letter - The B.E.T. Buzz

The latest issue of the Brentwood Evening Toastmasters newsletter is now available, compliments of our VP Public Relations, Michael Moryc.

WIth just one click, you can view or print the latest issue of The B.E.T. Buzz!

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Toastmaster for the evening: Janet Schreibman

Sergeant at Arms: Manuel Glaze opened the meeting and led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Club News:
B.E.T. President, Suzanne Harrison, welcomed our guests and explained that the slate for next year’s officers would be presented at tonight’s meeting and voted on at the May 24th meeting. She then called upon Susan Martin to present the 2011-2012 slate.
Before adjourning the meeting, Suzanne announced that B.E.T. recently received a Distinguished Club Award and that our newsletter had also won a district award. She also recognized two of our members who created Toastmasters clubs at their respective work sites: Dasie Schulz and Lynn Blake.

Word of the Day: Dan Michaels
Lyrical – deeply emotional or highly enthusiastic

Humorist: Allan Daniels

Table Topics: Susan Martin
Susan challenged the following Table Topics speakers to share their feedback regarding serious specific events affecting us locally and globally.

Table Topics Speaker #1: Mike Costa
Table Topics Speaker #2: Tim Stowell
Table Topics Speaker #3: Cindy Kubica
Table Topics Speaker #4: Russ Vantrease (guest)

Prepared Speeches:

Speaker #1: John Richardson: “Geocaching – 21st Century Treasure Hunting”
Speaker #2: Don Kovach: “Information Overload”

Speech Evaluations:

General Evaluator: Cindy Kubica

Evaluator #1: Suzanne Harrison
Evaluator #2: Michael Moryc

Timer: Rachel Sumner

Grammarian/Ah Counter: Manuel Glaze

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Best Table Topics Speaker: Russ Vantrease (guest)
Best Prepared Speech: John Richardson
Best Evaluator: Michael Moryc

The following members used the Word of the Day:
Susan Martin
Allan Daniels
Cindy Kubica

Monday, May 2, 2011

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Toastmaster for the evening: Dasie Schulz

Word of the Day: Mike Costa

Humorist: Mike Costa (Affect vs Effect)

Table Topics: Janet Schreibman

Janet challenged the following Table Topics Speakers to respond to Table Topics related to the May 1, 2010 Nashville Flood.

Table Topics Speaker #1: Mike Costa
Table Topics Speaker #2: Rachel Sumner
Table Topics Speaker #3: Allen Daniels

Prepared Speeches:

Speaker #1: Skip Malone - "Reliving the Past, Living the Present and Future"
Speaker #2: Muhammad Sabir - "Toastmasters and Social Media"
Speaker #3: Yolanda Poppell - "Rain Falls on the Just and Unjust"

Speech Evaluations:

General Evaluator: Keith McLusky

Evaluator #1: John Richardson evaluating Sip Malone's speech
Evaluator #2: Allan Daniels evaluating Muhammad Sabir's speech
Group Evaluation for Yolanda Poppell

Time: Dan Michaels

Grammarian / Ah Counter: Michael Moryc

The following members used the Word of the Day:

Allen Daniels
Keith McLusky