Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Manuel Glaze

Alex Ketterbaugh opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner.

Club News:
After introducing guests, Rachel announced that The Fall Conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Nashville Airport on October 19th and 20th. You can make overnight reservations by calling the hotel directly and asking for the Toastmasters rate of $89 per night at 615-883-9770, or by booking online at:

Program registration and a tentative agenda is now available for the conference on the district website at:
This year two very distinguished guests are joining us for our conference: International President-elect, John Lau DTM, and Keynote speaker, Lance Miller. There will also be breakout and educational sessions for your enjoyment. More information about these sessions will be available in the near future. Members may attend portions or the entirety of the conference. District 63 will have the Basket Challenge, Silent Auction and the District 63 Toastmaster Store. 

Mike Costa announced that BET dues are approaching and will be $48 for six-months or the club will offer a special rate for year-long dues at $84. 

Word of the Day:   Andrew Payne – germinal: adj., being in the earliest stage of development

Humorist:  Dan Michaels told about his hotel experiences when traveling on the road for work.

Table Topics:  Allan Daniels
Speaker #1:       Steve Ketterbaugh – “Tell Us About a Significant Event in Your Life that You Remember and Where You Were at the Time It Happened” (qualified)
Speaker #2:       Keith McLusky -- “Give Us Your Perspective of the Space Program and Neil Armstrong Walking on the Moon, Based Upon Where You Were When It Happened” 2:14
Speaker #3:       Mike Costa -- “Tell Us About Someone Whom You Think of as a Brave Individual and Why” 1:57

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1   Tim Diehl – CC #6 Vocal Variety: “5-7 min. (6:51)
Speaker #2   Miranda Darby – CC #3 Get to the Point: “What is Your Inspiration to Motivation?” 5-7 min (6:44)
Speaker #3:  Irma Perry – CC #5 Your Body Speaks: “Philosophy from the Institute of HT” 10-12 min. (11:58)
Speaker #4:  Don Kovach – AC Speeches by Management: 5-7 min. (7:43) “Positive Change”

General Evaluator:  Jessica Hernandez
Evaluator #1:  Janet Schreibman 3:10
Evaluator #2:  Russ Vantrease 2:33
Evaluator #3:  Dasie Schulz 2:55
Evaluator #4:  Srimath Brindavanam 2:33

Timer:   Rachel Sumner

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Chris Meador
Vote Counter:  Pankja Soni

Word of the Day Users:  Miranda Darby, Don Kovach, Janet Schreibman, Dasie Schulz, Sri Brindavanam, Irma Perry, Allan Daniels

Table Topics:    Steve Ketterbaugh
Evaluator:         Janet Schreibman
Speaker:           Tim Diehl

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Fall Speech Contest

Andrew Payne opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. He and Allan Daniels then reviewed the contest guidelines for attendees.

Club News:
Rachel welcomed guests and mentioned that they will be invited to give their feedback at the end of the meeting. She announced that several clubs are looking for mentors. If you are interested please let Rachel know. Mike Costa announced that membership fees will be due soon for the upcoming half year. He will let members know if they have already paid for the annual dues which will cover this upcoming six months. We also discussed the possibility of paying using a new electronic system. We are checking on this option.  We think the Area Contest will be September 22 in Murfreesboro. Details tbd.

Competition Chairperson:          Andrew Payne
Chief Judge:                             Allan Daniels, DTM
Competition Judge:                   Dasie Schulz, ACB, ALB
Competition Judge:                   Don Kovach, ACB
Competition Judge:                   Rachel Sumner, CC ALB
Competition Judge:                   Irma Perry, DTM
Competition Judge:                   Michael Moryc, ACB
Contest Sergeant @ Arms:        Chris Meador   
Competition Timekeeper:           Dan Michaels
Competition Timekeeper 2:         Keith McLusky
Ballot Counter:                          Steve Pell

Humorous Speech Contestants:
5-7 minutes each
Speaker #1:       Janet Schreibman -- “Claim Your Name” #5 Humorously Speaking AC manual
Speaker #2:       Pankaj Soni -- “My Challenges as a Toastmaster”
Speaker #3:       Mark Bayless -- “When it Falls” #1 Humorously Speaking AC manual
Speaker #4:       Krishna Rao -- “Barack Obama in 2012”

Evaluation Target Speaker:      Len Serafino – CC “Detective Shows”

Evaluation Contestants:  
Evaluation #1:                Mike Costa, ACS
Evaluation #2:                Tim Stowell, CC 

Evaluator:                     Mike Costa
Speaker #1:                  Janet Schreibman
Speaker #2:                 Pankaj Soni