Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Tim Diehl
Autumn Kerrigan called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. She then introduced Manuel Glaze who welcomed eight guests.

Club News:
Manuel thanked Suzanne Harrison and Mike Costa for organizing the social reception and dinner prior to the meeting. He then announced that the club is accepting nominees for the upcoming officer elections, particularly the position of Sergeant at Arms. Anyone interested in running for an office should speak to a current officer

Word of the Day:  Derrick Becton – ambivalent: adj. mixed feelings about someone or something; no strong feelings

Humorist:  Skip Malone – a joke about a school teacher who runs into a man who she says is “the father of one of my children”.

Table Topics:  Len Serafino
Speaker #1:   Tim Stowell – “What is the most important question a job interviewer can ask and why?”  (1:04)
Speaker #2:   Andrew Payne – “What’s your impression of the 1960s?” (:49)
Speaker #3:   Autumn Kerrigan – “What kind of restaurant would you open and why?” (1:17)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Russ Vantease – CC#6 Vocal Variety: “In the Moment” 5-7 min. (qualified)
Speaker #2:  Don Kovach – #5 Interpretive Reading:  “Sport Shorts” 7-9 min. (7:26)
Speaker #3:   Manuel Glaze – Advanced Communicator: Speaking to Inform: “What Are We Fighting For?”  5-7 min. (6:53)
Speaker #4:  James Justus – “How Should Our Local Tax Dollars Be Spent? Seeking a More Even Keel” 6-8 min. (7:49)
Speaker #5:  Mark Bayless – Speaking to Inform: “Digital Resources Available to BET Members” 10-12 min. (11:43)

General Evaluator:  Mike Costa
Evaluator #1:  Keith McLusky (3:16)
Evaluator #2:  Allan Daniels (written)
Evaluator #3:  Rachel Sumner (written)
Evaluator #4:  Irma Perry (written)
Evaluator #5:  Dasie Schulz (written)

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Pankaj Soni
Vote Counter:  Chris Meador
Timer:   Michael Moryc

Word of the Day Users:  Len Serafino, Don Kovach, James Justus, Tim Diehl, Michael Moryc, Pankaj Soni

Table Topics:  Tim Stowell
Evaluator:  Keith McLusky
Speaker:   Manuel Glaze

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Tim Stowell
Steve Ketterbaugh called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. He then introduced Manuel Glaze who welcomed four guests along with Ellen Blix, our Area 40 Governor.

Club News:
The membership inducted Irma Perry and Chris Meadors as new members. New officer elections were discussed for the upcoming year and members were encouraged to consider running for a position, especially Sergeant at Arms. Anyone interested in running for a position should speak to a current officer. The May 22nd meeting will begin at 6:30 with sandwiches and a social gathering. Members are invited to bring a friend. Ellen Blix announced that BET will eventually join a soon-to-be-created Area 42, which will include five areas within our division.

Word of the Day:  Russ Vantrease – chronic: of long duration; continuing habit or pattern of behavior

Humorist:  Janet Schreibman – a joke about two young boys discussing their impending surgeries while waiting to go into the operating room.

Table Topics:  Manuel Glaze
Speaker #1:   Pankaj Soni – “Between the ages of 18 and 25, what were you doing and how did it shape your life?”  (1:44)
Speaker #2:   Skip Malone – “What book did you read in the past five years that has had a positive effect on you?” (2:03)
Speaker #3:   Miranda Darby – “What is your hobby?” (1:34)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Dasie Schulz – Overview on Competent Leader Manual 6-8 min. (6:31)
Speaker #2:  Tim Diehl – Your Body Speaks #5 CC:  “Lucy’s Stick” 5-7 min. (7:00)
Speaker #3:   Mike Costa – “The Change” 8-10 min. (11:38)
Speaker #4:  Iris Schultz – CC #2 Organize Your Speech: “A Copier and So Much More – My New Career” 5-7 min. (7:16)

General Evaluator:  Michael Moryc
Evaluator #1:  Rachel Sumner (written)
Evaluator #2:  Don Kovach (3:04)
Evaluator #3:  Susan Martin (2:47)
Evaluator #4:  Irma Perry (2:36)

Grammarian:   Derrick Becton
Ah Counter:    J.T. Fanning
Vote Counter:  Andrew Payne
Timer:   Autumn Kerrigan

Word of the Day Users:  Janet Schreibman, Tim Stowell, Dasie Schulz, Tim Diehl, Iris Schultz, Susan Martin

Table Topics:  Pankaj Soni
Evaluator:  Susan Martin
Speaker:  Time Diehl

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Lynn Wallace
The meeting was called to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Rachel Sumner conducted club business in the absence of Manuel Glaze.

Club News:
Rachel welcomed and introduced all guests. New officer elections were discussed for the upcoming year and Rachel mentioned possible nominees. Anyone interested in running for a position should speak to a current officer. It was suggested that BET consider purchasing a projector for members who are doing visual presentations. Autumn Kerrigan volunteered to serve as coordinator to research possibilities. The May 22nd meeting will begin at 6:30 with sandwiches and a social gathering. Members are invited to bring a friend.
Word of the Day:  Sita Diehl – inchoate: only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

Humorist:  Susan Martin told a story about loss of memory involving an elderly couple with a wife named “Rose”.

Table Topics:  Ann West
Speaker #1:   Susan Martin – “Who Do You Admire Most and Why?”  (1:40)
Speaker #2:   Tim Diehl – “What is Your Favorite Time of Year and Day and Why?” (1:22)
Speaker #3:   Jessica Hernandez – “Which is Most Important in a Personal Relationship: Trust, Respect or Love?” (:17)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Andrew Payne – Icebreaker  4-6 min. (4:53)
Speaker #2:  Don Kovach – Advanced Manual #2, Resources for Informing: “Family Vacation” 5-7 min. (7:10)
Speaker #3:  Mark Bayless – Interpretative Poetry, Advanced Manual #2: Rudyard Kipling & Raymond Carver  6-8 min. (7:27)
Speaker #4:  Russ Vantrease – CC #5 “Lessons from the Lumber Yard” 5-7 min. (7:32)

General Evaluator:  Dasie Schulz
Evaluator #1:  Michael Moryc (2:48)
Evaluator #2:  Sita Diehl (2:56)
Evaluator #3:  James Justus (3:02)
Evaluator #4:  Janet Schreibman (3:56)

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Autumn Kerrigan
Vote Counter:  Jessica Hernandez
Timer:   Steve Ketterbaugh

Word of the Day Users:  Dasie Schulz, Rachel Sumner, Michael Moryc

Table Topics:  Susan Martin
Evaluator:  Michael Moryc
Speaker:  Mark Bayless