Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Monday, December 12, 2022


BET Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2022

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


Theme: A Nutty Nutcracker Start to the Holiday Season!


Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  LouAnn Clark

Toastmaster:  Emily Thompson

Word of the Day:   Janet Schreibman

masticate, v.:  to chew; to grind (the teeth); to knead

Humorist:  Janet Schreibman


Table Topics:  Joe Settles

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  James Wallace - 1:15

2)  Connor Moran - 1:25

3)  Jason Cook - 1:01

4)  Adrian Del Rio - 23:05

5)  Cindy Aslan - :31



1)  LouAnn Clark -  Presentation Mastery #3 - Connect Your Story: "What Do You See?" (requested 5-7- min)  7:28


General Evaluator: Susan Martin


1)  Darryl Pace - 3:38

Timer: Bill Martin

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Janet Schreibman


Club Business:

  • Minutes approved 11/08/22 meeting

  •  Club will meet only once in December -- on Dec. 13th

  • TLI will be held in January. Details to come.

Members Present: Susan Martin, Bill Martin, Janet Schreibman, LouAnn Clark, Emily Thompson


Virtual Attendees: Darryl Pace, Cindy Aslan, Jason Cook


Guests:   Joe Settles, Connor Moran, Cindy Aslan, Adrian Del Rio, James Wallace


Word Users:  Janet, Susan, Adrian

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


BET Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2022

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


Theme: Elections


Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  LouAnn Clark

Toastmaster:  Janet Schreibman

Word of the Day:   Joe Settles

word:  psephology, noun -- the scientific study of elections

Humorist:  Susan Martin


Table Topics:  Skip Malone

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  Darryl Pace - 1:37

2)  Joe Settles - 1:49

3)  LouAnn Clark - 1:33



1)  Bill Martin -  Motivational Strategies #2 - Understanding Your Communication Style (requested 5-7- min)  7:20

2) Emily Thompson - "A How To Guide for NaNoWriMo"  (requested 5-7 min) 7:23


General Evaluator: LouAnn Clark


1)  Mike Costa - 2:50

2)  Susan  Martin - 3:20

Timer: Darryl Pace

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Joe Settles

 Club Business:

  • Meeting minutes approved 10/24/22 meeting with change of Azieb as a new member and Jason Cook as a visitor

  •  District winter TLI scheduled for  Saturday, Nov. 19 @ 8am CST as a hybrid meeting

  • Members voted to cancel our meeting the week of Thanksgiving and only meet Dec. 13th of next month

  • During our officers meeting we discussed increasing BET visibility on social media with the goal of acquiring 5 new members by the end of June

Members Present: Susan Martin, Bill Martin, Janet Schreibman, LouAnn Clark, Mike Costa

Virtual Attendees: Skip Malone, Emily Thompson, Darryl Pace 

Guests:   Joe Settles, Connor

Word Users:  Janet, Susan

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


BET Officers Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2022

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


The following topics were discussed:

 Two primary goals until remainder of current officers term

            1) ensure members get educational experience they individually desire

            2) Ensure club is in stable condition for next term of officers

At the January 10th meeting, LouAnn will present "Moments of Truth" to the club. This is an assessment of the club provided for member participation to determine club strengths and areas for improvement.

LouAnn linked our site to the free Toast Host site provided by Toastmasters International. We have discontinued the site which charged a fee.

We will focus more consistently on following up with attending guests in order to encourage their membership and understanding their individual interests for joining. This will fall under the VP of Membership. Personalized, rather than generic, emails are advised. We should remember to always ask guests how they found us?

The club set a goal to get 5 new members between now and the end of June.

The officer team discussed more presence on social media, particularly on LinkedIn and Instagram.


BET Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2022

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


Theme: Action Verbs


Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  LouAnn Clark

Toastmaster:  LouAnn Clark

Word of the Day:   Susan Martin

word:  explore, verb -- to travel in or thru; to learn about something; to research; to inquire or discuss

Humorist:  Joe Settles


Table Topics:  Chaka Jackson

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  Darryl Pace - 1:15

2)  Jason Cook- 1:08

3)  Susan Martin - 1:20



1)  Skip Malone -  "The Late Great Shopping Mall"  (requested 6-8- min)  8:07

2) Colleen Law - "Communication Styles" Effective Coaching #2 (requested 5-7 min) 6:47


General Evaluator: Janet Schreibman


1)  Emily Thompson - 2:54

2)  Bill Martin - 2:52

Timer: Teresa Dunbar

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Mike Costa


Club Business:

  • Meeting minutes approved 10/11/22 meeting

  • District winter TLI scheduled for  Saturday, Nov. 19 @ 8am CST


Members Present: Susan Martin, Bill Martin, Janet Schreibman, LouAnn Clark

Virtual Attendees: Skip Malone, Emily Thompson, Mike Costa, Chaka Jackson, Teresa Dunbar,  Joe Settles, Darryl Pace, Teresa Dunbar, Jason Cook, Azieb Araya

Guests:   Teresa Dunbar, Joe Settles, Jason Cook

Word Users:  Joe, Emily, Janet, Skip, Darryl