Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Toastmaster – Iris Schultz

Chris Meador opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner.

Club News:
·         * Rachel announced that Keith McLusky will serve as a delegate for BET at the TI Annual Business Meeting this August in Orlando.
·        *  TLI training will be held this Saturday in Murfreesboro and again in August at Caterpillar Corporation in Nashville. Contact Mike Costa if you are interested in attending.The club will cover the registration cost.
·         * Skip Malone presented to members a motion we approved for the club to shop for a projector that can be used for visual aids by speakers, when requested.
·         * The club inducted new member Kirshna Roa, who will be mentored by Mike Costa.
·        *  Rachel introduced the Easy-Speak website to the club and demonstrated how to use it for the next meeting – which was the topic of her speech. You can access it at  You should have received a temporary user name and password via email from Rachel. If you did not, please contact Rachel or Dasie. We are testing this option to use for meeting agenda and sign-up roles.

Word of the Day:   Immanuel Belba-Smith – nutate: to nod the head; to oscillate while rotating; to move in a curving or circular fashion.

Humorist:  Janet Schreibman – story about an old married couple and the wife who fished unsuccessfully for a compliment from her husband

Table Topics:  Dasie Schulz
Speaker #1: Autumn Kerrigan –“What do you remember most about the last day of school?”  1:05
Speaker #2: Tim Stowell --“What is the second biggest highlight of your summer when you were in school?”  1:18
Speaker #3:  Mike Costa – “What did you look forward to about the first day of school?” 1:19

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1   Rachel Sumner – CC#8, visual presentation: “Sign In and Sign Up…Easy Speak” 10-12 min (13:17)
Speaker #2:  Ann West – CC#3 Get to the Point: “What to Know About Tennessee Snakes” 5-7 min (9:01 )
Speaker #3:  Tim Diehl -- CC#4 How to Say It: “What is the Value of Water?” 5-7 min (6:54)
Speaker #4:  Don Kovach – AC #5 Abstract Subject: “To be a Fan” 6-8 min (8:28)

General Evaluator:  Andrew Payne
Evaluator #1:  James Justus 3;15
Evaluator #2:  Sita Diehl 2;21
Evaluator #3:  Sri Brindavanam 2:15
Evaluator #4:  Michael Moryc 2:10

Timer:   Dan Michaels

Grammarian:  Manuel Glaze

Ah Counter: Krishna Roa

Vote Counter:  Stephen Pell

Word of the Day Users: Janet Schreibman, James Justus, Sita Diehl, Michael Moryc, Rachel Sumner

Table Topics:  Mike Costa
Evaluator:  Michael Moryc
Speaker:  Tim Diehl

Monday, July 23, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Ann West
Immanuel Belba-Smith called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. He then introduced newly elected BET President Rachel Sumner who welcomed our guests.

Club News:
The meeting was held in a classroom at Forest Hills United Methodist Church on Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.  Rachel took the lectern for the first time as President of BET.

Word of the Day:  Allan Daniels – Inchoate: being only partly in existence or operation; imperfectly formed or formulated

Humorist:  Skip Malone shared two humorous jokes with the club

Table Topics:  Chris Meador – Interview Questions
Speaker #1:   Tim Diehl – Described a defining moment or situation from his teen years that shaped him as an adult
Speaker #2:   Michael Moryc – Described how he would handle a difficult or unpleasant colleague
Speaker #3:   Miranda Darby -

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Mark Bayless – Gave a descriptive, gripping speech from the Advanced Manual, Story Telling
Speaker #2:  Andrew Payne – Delivered a speech from the Competent Communicator manual and helped audience members identify points that would help members make an informed decision when shopping for their next laptop
Speaker #3:  Russ Vantrease – Completed Research Your Topic, speech assignment #7 from the  Competent Communicator manual, and provided the audience with interesting and awe-inspiring facts about the Disney theme parks while sharing humorous stories from a recent vacation to Disney with his family.

General Evaluator:  Autumn Kerrigan
Evaluator #1:  Sita Diehl
Evaluator #2:  Len Serafino
Evaluator #3:  Susan Martin

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Dasie Schulz
Vote Counter:  Lynn Wallace
Timer:   Srimanth Brindavanam

Word of the Day Users:  Chris Meador, Allan Daniels, Susan Martin, and Autumn Kerrigan – Good job!!

Table Topics:  Tim Diehl
Evaluator:  Len Serafino
Speaker:   Russ Vantrease

Monday, July 2, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Rachel Sumner
Dan Michael called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. He then introduced Manuel Glaze who welcomed our guests.

Club News:
The meeting was held at the Brentwood Library, in Room #A, on Concord Road. The club inducted two new members: Immanuel Belba-Smith, mentored by Len Serafino (not present), and Steve Pell, mentored by Tim Stowell.
Allan Daniels led the induction of the following new officers for the 2012-2013 year:
President: Rachel Sumner; VP of Education: Dasie Schulz; VP Membership: Andrew Payne; VP Public Relations: Mark Bayless; Secretary: Janet Schreibman; Treasurer: Mike Costa; Sergeant @ Arms: Chris Meador.
Janet Schreibman earned Competent Communicator award.

Word of the Day:  Chris Meador – summery:  adj. of, like, or appropriate for summer

Humorist:  Tim Stowell – “Talking Dog” who fabricates his past “career”
Table Topics:  Mike Costa – pun night
Speaker #1:   Suzanne Harrison – “Mountains talk about a ‘range’ of topics” (1:04)
Speaker #2:   Steve Ketterbaugh – “”25 Irish people who drowned were actually river dancing” (2:03)
Speaker #3:   Ann West – “Mustard crossed the road to ketchup with the mayonnaise” (1:11)
Speaker #4:  Dan Michaels – “Bartender says to a Netron in a bar, no charge to you!” (2:02)
Speaker #5:  Manuel Glaze – “Talking dog goes into bar for a drink” (1:32)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Janet Schreibman – CC#9 Persuasion: “You Can Make the Difference” 6-8 min. (8:27)
Speaker #2:  Andrew Payne – CC#2: “A Dollar Saved is a Dollar You Can Spend on Yourself” 5-7 min. (7:06)
Speaker #3:  Don Kovach – Interpretive Reading #4 AC: “Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman” 10-12 min. (11:45)
General Evaluator:  Srimanth Brindavanam
Evaluator #1:  Allan Daniels (3:14)
Evaluator #2:  Dasie Schulz (3:08)
Evaluator #3:  Manuel Glaze (3:29)

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Steve Pell
Vote Counter:  Mark Bayless
Timer:   Allan Daniels

Word of the Day Users:  Rachel Sumner, Tim Stowell, Mike Costa, Allan Daniels

Table Topics:  Suzanne Harrison
Evaluator:  Allan Daniels
Speaker:   Andrew Payne