Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Monday, May 29, 2023


BET Meeting Minutes

May 23, 2023

Presiding Officer:

Susan Martin


Theme: music associated with Memorial Day

 Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  Susan Martin

Toastmaster:  Emily Thompson

Word of the Day:   Flavius Trombitas

veracious, adj. - speaking or representing the truth

Humorist:  Mike Costa


Table Topics:  Susan Martin

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  Aleah Berger - 1:03

2)  Emily Walter - 2:11

3)  Paul Spivey - 1:29

4)  Jason Cook - 1.35


1)  Janet Schreibman - educational speech  on body language entitled, "The Language without Words" (requested 8-10 min) 12:00

2) Skip Malone - "Mother" (requested 6-8 min) 7:24


General Evaluator: LouAnn Clark


1)  Brittany Gentilhomme - 3:23

2)  Kristen Williams - 3:56

Timer:  Mike Costa

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Flavius Trombitas

 Club Business:

  • Minutes approved for April 25 and May 9 meetings
  • Teresa Dunbar, our Area Director, and LouAnn Clark completed our annual BET club report
  • Need to present slate for new officers at the June meeting
  •  It was suggested we have more social gatherings and we consider giving ribbons to ice breaker speakers
  •  Officers were requested to review the social medial plan Emily created

 Members Present: Susan Martin, Janet Schreibman, Brittany Gentilhomme, Flavius Trombitas, Emily Thompson, Mike Costa, Kristen Williams

 Virtual Attendees: LouAnn Clark, Skip Malone, Jason Cook

 Guests:  Paul Spivey, Jason Cook, Aleah Berger, Emily Walter, Gerard

Word Users:  Skip, Janet, Emily, Susan, LouAnn, Flavius, Bill

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


BET Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


Theme: none

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  LouAnn Clark

Toastmaster:  Skip Malone

Word of the Day:   Susan Martin

iconic, noun - widely recognized; well established; known for its brand

Humorist:  Bill Martin


Table Topics:  Emily Thompson

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  Susan Martin - 1:43

2)  Janet Schreibman - 1:52

3)  Brittany Gentilhomme - 1:25

4)  Teresa Dunbar - 2:40

5)  Jason Cook - 59.5

6)  Bill Martin - 1:07



1)  Flavius Trombitas - icebreaker (4-6 min) 8:15


General Evaluator: Janet Schreibman


1)  LouAnn Clark - 2:32

Timer:  Bill Martin

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Susan Martin


Club Business:

  • Minutes approval tabled for our April 25 meeting

  • Teresa Dunbar was introduced as our Area Director and she requested to get on LouAnn's calendar to complete her area director's report for our club
  • Need to present slate for new officers
  • Jason was introduced as our Club Growth Director

Members Present: Susan Martin, Bill Martin, Janet Schreibman, LouAnn Clark, Brittany Gentilhomme, Skip Malone, Flavius Trombitas

Virtual Attendees: Emily Thompson, Teresa Dunbar

Guests:  Paul Spivey, Jason Cook, Teresa Dunbar, DJ Mott

Word Users:  Skip, Janet, Emily, Susan, LouAnn, Flavius, Bill

Monday, May 8, 2023


BET Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2023

Presiding Officer:

LouAnn Clark


Theme: "Dealing with Change"


Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  LouAnn Clark

Toastmaster:  Janet Schreibman

Word of the Day:   LouAnn Clark

ephemeral, adj. - lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory

Humorist:  Emily Thompson


Table Topics:  Kristen Williams

Table Topic Speakers:

1)  Emily Thompson - 1:41

2)  Susan Martin- 1:07

3)  Flavius Trombitas - 1:12

4)  Aleah Berger - 1:10



1)  Lauren Pace - 2:34

2)  Eden Moody - Presentation Mastery Level 2 : "Set Up Story"  from her "Keynote Concert (requested 15-18 min) 19:11


General Evaluator: Skip Malone


1)  no evaluation needed

2)  Darryl Pace - 3:24

Timer:  Bill Martin

Ah Counter/Grammarian:  LouAnn Clark


Club Business:     

  • Minutes approved for last three meetings
  • Hybrid Spring Conference, including International  Speech contest is April 28-29. Darryl will be presenting an educational session.
  • Table Topics Contest will be virtual April 27

Members Present: Susan Martin, Bill Martin, Emily Thompson, Janet Schreibman, LouAnn Clark, Darryl Pace, Mike Costa

Virtual Attendees: Skip Malone

Guests:  Flavius Trombitas, Kristen Williams, Eden Moody,  Aleah Berger, Emily Walter, Lauren Pace

Word Users:  Susan, Skip, Janet, Emily, Kristen