Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

BET Meeting Minutes for August 23, 2016
Presiding Officer: Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:
Toastmaster: Ryan Osborne
Humorist: Janet Schreibman,  ACB, AL
Topics Master: Russ Vantrease, CC
Time Keeper: Pakaj Soni
General Evaluator: Daise Schulz, ACG
Word Master: Rachel Sumner
Word: Venial (adjective, able to be forgiven or pardoned)
Vote Counter: Deborah Link
Grammarian: Ryan Osborne, CC

Speaker 1: Susan Martin, ACB

Evaluator 1: Ryan Barksdale

Best Table Topics Speaker: Timothy

Old Business: Speech Contest (September 13th), Open House (September 27th)
New Business: Co-chair Desired for Open House Planning  and Logistics 

Monday, August 22, 2016

BET Meeting Minutes for August 9, 2016
Presiding Officer: Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:
Toastmaster: Mike Costa, ACS
Humorist: Russ Vantrease
Topics master: Deborah Link
Time Keeper: Jerry Denny
General Evaluator: Ryan Osborne
Word Master: Susan Martin, ACB
Word: Rectify (verb: correct, fix)
Vote Counter: Russ Vantrease
Grammarian: Susan Martin, ACB

Speaker 1: Daise Schulz, DTM          Best Speaker
Speaker 2: Ryan Barksdale
Speaker 3: Stephen Cornwell         Guest Speaker

Evaluator 1: Ravi Aradhyula          Best Evaluator
Evaluator 2: Janet Schreibman, CC, ACB, AL          

Best Table Topics Speaker:           Russ Vantrease

Old Business: Confirmation of Dates for the Fall Speech Contest (September 13th) and Open House (September 27th)

New Business: Possible Group Viewing of the World Championship Conference Speech Contest

BET Meeting Minutes for July 26, 2016       
Presiding Officer: Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:
Toastmaster: Susan Martin, ACB                                
Humorist:  Deborah Link
Topics master: Russ Vantrease                                  
Time Keeper: Pakaj Soni
General Evaluator: Gillian Goldsborough                 
Word master: Jerry Denny     
Word: Encomium (noun; high praise)
Vote Counter: Russ Vantrease

Speaker 1: Mike Costa, ACS                         Time: 10:38
Speaker 2: Deborah Link                               Time: 6:56       Best Speaker
Speaker 3: Ryan Barksdale                            Time: 5:06

Evaluator 1: Sunil Suthar                                Time: 3:23
Evaluator 2: Janet Schreibman, CC, ACB, AL    Time: 3:15       Best Evaluator
Evaluator 3: Skip Malone, ACB CL                  Time: 3:24

Best Table Topics Speaker: Gillian Goldsborough

Old Business: Induction of New Members and Officers (Reschedule)
New Business: Future Open House