Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 24, 2010 - TM Meeting Notes

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Toastmaster for the evening: Cindy Kubica


Acting President Rachel Sumner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., welcoming club members and leading the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. On behalf of club president, Suzanne Harrison, Rachel thanked the club for high participation in the summer sessions of leadership training through TLI.

Rachel also provided a reminder about upcoming speech contests:
Club Contest: August 31, 2010
Area Contest: September 11, 2010
District Contest: September 25, 2010
Fall conference: October 15, 2010

Rachel then introducing the Toastmaster for the evening, Cindy Kubica.

Cindy extended a warm welcome before giving a brief overview of her duties as Toastmaster, and then introduced a meeting theme. The theme for the August 24th meeting was The Facts of Life. Cindy announced that members would be asked to share one fact of life that they had learned with the group when they first took control of the lectern throughout the evening.


Susan Martin shared her Fact of Life, "Your hair never does what you want it to," before provided the word of the day:

Benevolent - characterized by or expressing goodwill; charitable


Jackie Houtz did an amazing job of incorporating the meeting theme into her humorous story, providing the club with three well delivered Facts of Life:
1) We all started out in life the same way
2) Boys love their toys
3) Nothing in life is impossible


Carrie Hodges challenged individual team members to exercise their skills at impromptu speaking. She provided each Table Topics speaker with a horoscope from the previous day's paper and asked them to explain how the horoscope fit with what actually happened to them that day.

Alan Daniels had a horoscope that read, "Mistakes will happen. When they do, remain mindful." Alan entertained club members with a humorous discussion about his horoscope, wrapping it up with his Fact of Life: "My jokes are so bad that they are occasionally funny!"

Michael Moryc's horoscope read, "Things that are not in their popper place will tend to fall into disarray." Michael shared the irony of this horoscope by explaining the state of affairs in his home office, and the difficulty he has had unpacking and reorganizing following the May flooding.

Mike Costa's horoscope read, "Stick to what feels safe for now. When it is time to take a risk you'll know it." Mike confessed that he felt his horoscope was actually speaking about his future because his daughter recently went off to college and there have been many changes occurring in his workplace.


Speaker #1: Gary Karg - "Growing Up Gary"
Speaker #2: Srimanth Brindavanam - "Big Paws"


General Evaluator: Rachel Sumner
Evaluator #1: Dasie Schulz, evaluating Gary Karg
Evaluator #2: Matthew Job, evaluating Srimanth Brindivanam

Grammarian/Ah Counter: Janet Schreibman did an excellent job of listening, recording, and reporting. This was her first time on deck as the Grammarian and Ah Counter.


Best Table Topics: Michael Moryc
Best Evaluator: Matthew Job
Best Speaker: Srimanth Brindavanam


Club members made excellent use of the Word of the Day. Those who interjected it throughout the meeting included:

Cindy Kubica
Jackie Houtz
Michael Moryc
Srimanth Brindavanam
Matthew Job

GOOD JOB!! :-)


Before the close of the meeting there was a brief discussion about the use of the word podium in reference to the lectern. Podium refers to something a speaker stands up on, while lectern refers to a stand on which the speaker places papers. Although podium and lectern, according to Webster's, are now interchangeable we in Toastmasters are trying to improve our speech and our speaking habits. As such, we should be mindful of using the word lectern when referring to the stand upon which we place our papers when we present a speech.

Rachel closed the meeting early, declaring summer break!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 10, 2010 - TM Meeting Notes

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Toastmaster for the evening: Matthew Job


President Suzanne Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., welcoming two new guests and all members. She then lead the club in the Pledge of Allegiance before turning the meeting over to the Toastmaster, Matthew Job.

Matthew extended a warm welcome before giving a brief overview of his duties as Toastmaster.


Cynthia Brown provided the word of the day:

Oblivious - unaware of; not paying attention to


Manuel Glaze injected a bit of humor with a well delivered joke about a doctor, a minister, a lawyer and a professionally courteous shark.


Mike Costa expressed his creative side, and encouraged the evening's Table Topics speakers to do the same. He provided each speaker with a quote and a challenge. Each Table Topics speaker was given 1-2 minutes to present their impromptu speech. This exercise allows members to practice impromptu speaking.

Susan Martin was challenged with telling the club who she would send the following quote to and why: "A diplomat is a man who always remembers his wife's birthday but never remembers her age." ~ Robert Frost
Susan dedicated the quote to her husband who always remembers her birthday and NEVER reminds her that she's just a little bit older than he is.

Suzanne Harrison was challenged with telling the club who in the room she would send her assigned quote to, and why: "When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not." ~ Mark Twain
Suzanne Harrison dedicated her quote to our own Mike Costa, who she proclaims can spin a story with expert creativity.

Jackie Houtz was challenged with telling the club what celebrity she would share the following quote with: "You are only young once but you can be immature all of your life." (sorry I did not catch the source)
Jackie dedicated her quote to her brother. She admitted that is, technically, no celebrety although he may never admit it, himself.

James Justus was challenged with telling the club who he could NOT dedicate his assigned quote to. James announced he could not dedicated his Tennessee Williams quote, "You can be young without Money but you cannot be old without it.", to any of his cash-strapped clients, but that he might be able to get away with sharing the quote with colleagues in the financial planning industry.

Manuel Glaz was challenged with telling the club with whom he would share his assigned quote, "At age 50 everyone has the face he deserves."
Manuel decided he would share his quote with any president, making the point that no matter what we do or who we are, we know it better than anyone else the moment we see our own face looking back at us in the mirror.


Speaker #1: Skip Malone - "Up the Creek"
Speaker #2: Dasie Schulz - "The Underrepresentation of Women in Executive Leadership"
Speaker #3: Allan Daniels - Coach Allan


General Evaluator: Michael Moryc
Evaluator #1: Jane Gaither, evaluating Skip Malone
Evaluator #2: Susan Martin, evaluating Dasie Schulz
Evaluator #3: Donna Brown, evaluating Allan Daniels

Grammarian/Ah Counter: Jackie Houtz


Best Table Topics: Suzanne Harrison
Best Evaluator: Susan Smith
Best Speaker: Dasie Schulz


Club members made excellent use of the Word of the Day. Those who interjected it throughout the meeting included:

Matthew Job
Mike Costa
Susan Martin
Allan Daniels
Jackie Houtz
Michael Moryc

GOOD JOB!! :-)


Suzanne reminded everyone of the upcoming Toastmasters Leadership Training course.

TLI will be conducted again on August 19th from 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. and the club will pay the fee for any member interested in attending. (If interested in attending please contact Suzanne Harrison)

Humorous Speech and Evaluator contests are scheduled as follows:
Club Contest: August 31, 2010
Area Contest: September 11, 2010
District Contest: September 25, 2010
Fall conference: October 15, 2010

Area Governor, James Justus announced that the location for the area contest had been chosen: 404 BNA Drive

Don't forget to check out the latest edition of The B.E.T. Buzz, our official club newsletter.

If you are reading these minutes you have the link to our new blog which can always be found @

Watch your e-mail for a Twitter invite to begin following B.E.T. tweets. Be sure to sign up! And remember - if you need help setting up your twitter account Dasie is available to help you get started. Once we have a few followers we plan to begin announcing last minute changes to the schedule and opening speaking slots so that individuals can let Rachel know immediately, via e-mail or phone, if they are interested and available to step up and fill last minute openings!

Michael encourages everyone to go to the B.E.T. website and sign up for roles at upcoming meetings.


Before closing the meeting, President Susanne Harrison requested feedback from the two guests in attendance.

President Suzanne Harrison adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:15 p.m.

The B.E.T. Buzz - August Release

Michael Moryc, BET's VP of Public Relations, has published the latest issue of The B.E.T. Buzz.

The news letter is available for online readers and can also be downloaded or printed - Just click HERE to retrieve the document.