Evening Toastmasters
June 25, 2013
for the evening – Ani Osborne
BET president Rachel Sumner opened the meeting and led attendees
in the Pledge of Allegiance, then welcomed our guests.
Club News:
Rachel expressed her appreciation to
officers and club members for their hard work this past year and all they have
done to support the club during her term in office as president.
Allan Daniels then inducted the
following new officers for the 2013-2014 year:
President: Mark Bayless
VP of Education: Pankaj
VP of Membership: Ani
VP of PR: Janet
Treasurer: Mike
Secretary: Chris
Sergeant at Arms: Richard Naslund
Word of
the Day: Michael Moryc -- permeate
Table Topics: Richard Naslund
Speaker #1: Mark Bayless – “Tell us about your
favorite summer place as a kid and why it is so memorable?” 1:30
Speaker #2: Lysa Rigo – “What’s your favorite treat from
the ice cream truck or ice store and when?” 1:30
Speaker #3: Krishna Rao –
“When you think of summer, what food do you think about and why?” 1:30
Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Russ Vantrease
– CC #10 Inspire Your Audience; “Time Marches On” 8-10 min. (9:36)
Speaker #2: Mike Costa --
#1 The Successful Club Series, Moments of Truth educational speech 30-35 min.
General Evaluator: Tim Diehl
Evaluator #1: Allan Daniels
Evaluator #2: no evaluator
Timer: Chris Meador
Grammarian/Ah Counter: Ryan Osborne
Vote Counter: Andrew
Word of the Day Users: Allan Daniels
Table Topics: Lysa Rigo
Evaluator: Allan Daniels
Speaker: Russ Vantrease
Moments of Truth – Results:
First Impresssions
had new guest insight as member of group
most discover BET online; web resources gave
comprehensive information about club
40% of toastmaster members don’t stay; but not
so at BET
We do invite guests to share their thoughts and
invite them to join
Might need bigger sign out front
Need to be sure and intro guests to entire
membership at meetings
Membership Orientation:
BET provides manual electronically now; do
formal member inductions into club; present first speech ribbons
BET does assign a mentor if new member desires
BET does educational sessions periodically
throughout year – however we don’t display chart
Members are free to go to Easy-Speak website and
self-assign roles when you want to speak; Easy-Speak works well for us
Good opportunities for members to participate in
various ways; good turnover mix of officers
Fellowship, Variety and Communications
Do good job of greeting guests warmly
Enjoy very diverse membership, speech topics
Need to improve frequency of social events – planned
and impromptu
Do a good job in participating in area, district
and international events…but could do better
Program Planning and Meeting Organization
For special meetings or events, good to post it
on website
For creative table topics, maybe we should have
occasional evaluations to help coach on impromptu speaking
We give positive evaluations but sometimes it is
so tactful it lacks true meat
Membership Strength
Yes, have 41 members currently
Many long-time members mixed with strong, diverse
group of new members
Achievement Recognition
#2 – don’t display charts; not sure it is
Need to educate membership more about Easy-Speak
and how it keeps track of your goals
#6 – officers use it but need to educate
membership in this area