BET Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2021
Presiding Officer:
Susan Martin
Roles & Responsibilities:
Opener: Susan Martin
Toastmaster: Darryl Pace
Word of the Day: Susan Martin
recapitulate -- summarize the situation
Humorist: Susan Martin
Table Topics: Skip Malone
Table Topic Speakers:
1) Emily Thompson - 2:15
2) Mike Costa - 1:30
3) Janet Schreibman - 1:56
4) Bill Martin - 1:23
5) Jason Cook - 3:00
6) Tehlyr Kellogg - 2:12
1) Janet Schreibman (requested 3-5 min.) "Rose to the Occasion" - 6:25
General Evaluator: Emily Thompson
1) Mike Costa - ?
Timer: Bill Martin
Ah Counter/Grammarian: Susan Martin
Club Business:
- Tall Tales (3-5 min.) and evaluator contest for area to be held October 23 virtually. Division contests scheduled for Nov. 6th.
- Approval of minutes for Sept. 14th and October 12 meetings tabled until next meeting on Oct 26
Members Present: Janet, Emily, Mike, Susan
Virtual Attendees: Skip, Jason, Darryl
Guests: Bill Martin, Jason Cook, Tehlyr Kellogg
Word Users: Emily, Susan, Mike