BET Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2021
Presiding Officer:
Skip Malone
Roles & Responsibilities:
Opener: Skip Malone
Toastmaster: Skip Malone
Word of the Day: Janet Schreibman
duress - constraint by threat or force; coercion
Humorist: none
Table Topics: Marc Smith
Table Topic Speakers:
1) Janet Schreibman - 1:54
2) Megan - 1:13
3) Skip - 2:01
1) Darryl Pace (requested 10-12) 10:25
2) Jason Cook - My Time on the Dark Continent (requested 15-20) 20:17
General Evaluator: Skip Malone
1) Marc Smith - 3:05
2) Janet Schreibman - 3:11
Timer: Janet Schreibman
Ah Counter/Grammarian: none
Word Users: Skip, Janet
Club Business:
- Election tabled until next meeting
- Minutes for June 29 tabled until next meeting
- During our July 27 meeting we will vote on the following slate, given there is a quorum:
President - Susan Martin
Vice President Education - Skip Malone
Vice President Membership - Marc Smith
Vice President Public Relations - Emily Thompson
Secretary - Janet Schreibman
Treasurer - Mike Costa
Sergeant at Arms - Janet Schreibman
Members Present: Skip, Janet, Darryl, Marc
Virtual Attendees: none
Guest(s): Jason Cook, Mike Schiele, Carly Herron,
Megan Valentine