BET Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2020
Presiding Officer:
Skip Malone
Roles & Responsibilities:
Opener: Skip Malone
Toastmaster: Emily Thompson -- Theme: Fall
Word of the Day: Becky Lamb
anodyne, adj. -- intended to avoid offense; lessening or relieving pain
Humorist: Susan Martin
Table Topics: Darryl Pace
Table Topic Speakers:
1) Mike Costa - 1:50
2) Shyam --1:01
3) Becky - 1:51
1) Leslie Grissim - Icebreaker 6:10
2) Janet Schreibman - "A Short Story" Project #3 Engaging Humor 7:11
General Evaluator: Shyam Nagarajan
1) LouAnn Clark - 3:28
2) Skip Malone - 3:21
Timer: Susan Martin
Ah Counter/Grammarian: Mike Costa
Word Users: Janet, Darryl, Becky, Shyam, LouAnn, Susan, Mike
Club Business:
* Officer's Meeting with all members invited on Sept. 29 @ 7pm
* Humorous and Evaluation Speech contests TBD