Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

BET Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2018
Presiding Officer:
Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  Russ Vantrease, ACB
Toastmaster:  Ryan Barksdale, CC
Word of the Day: Cai Chen - halcyon; calm, peaceful
Humorist: Tawanda McDonald

Table Topics: Marc Smith, CC
Table Topic Speakers:
1) Russ Vantrease -- Winner
2) Ben Arnold
3) Mike Costa, ACS

1) Mike Hooker --Winner
2) Susan Martin, ACB

General Evaluator: Mike Costa
1) Janet Schreibman, ACB, ALB -- Winner
2) Russ Vantrease

Vote Counter/Timer:  Karl Jannasch
Ah Counter/Grammarian: Cai Chen

Club Business:

  • Officer slate was presented for upcoming June 12 election as follows:

            Marc Smith - president
            VPE - Tawanda McDonald
            VPM - Skip Malone
            VPPR - Ryan Barksdale
            Secretary - Susan Martin, ACS
            Treasurer - Mike Costa
            Sergeant @ Arms - Russ Vantrease
            Past president - Janet Schreibman

  • Self nominations are being accepted for new officer roles. Please see a current officer to discuss or voice your interest.
  • Social will be held after the June 12 meeting to celebrate and congratulate new officers. Location TBD.
  • Minutes approved for May 8 meeting.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

BET Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2018
Presiding Officer:
Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  Russ Vantrease, CC
Toastmaster:  Mike Costa, ACS
Word of the Day:  Ryan Barksdale - gobemouche...a gullible person
Humorist:  none
Table Topics:  Mike requesting questions from members

Table Topic Speakers:
1)  Tawanda McDonald --Winner
2)  Skip Malone, ACB
3)  Ryan Barksdale, CC

1) Cai Chen
2) Susan Martin
3) Janet Schreibman - Winner

General Evaluator:  Marc Smith, CC
1)  Skip Malone
2)  Russ Vantrease, ACB --Winner
3)  Tawanda McDonald

Timer:  Mike Hooker
Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Ryan Barksdale
Vote Counter:  Ryan Barksdale

Word Users: Susan, Marc, Janet, Tawanda

Club Business:

  •   Susan shared overview of spring conference. 
  •   TLI will be offered in June at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville. Details to come. 
  •  Officers meeting will be held at 6pm before next meeting on May 23. 
  •  New officer slate is in progress. Self nominations now being accepted for any office. Please speak to a current officer if you are interested.
  • Minutes approved from April 24 meeting.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

BET Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2018
Presiding Officer:
Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  Russ Vantrease, CC
Toastmaster:  Susan Martin, ACB
Word of the Day:  Susan Martin -- loath...unwilling
Humorist:  Karl Jannasch
Table Topics:  Janet Schreibman, ACB, AL

Table Topic Speakers:
1)  Gillian Goldsborough  -- Winner
2)  Russ Vantrease
3)  Skip Malone

1) Darryl Pace
2) Ben Arnold -- Winner
3) Marc Smith

General Evaluator:  Ryan Barksdale, CC
1) group
2) Tawanda McDonald --Winner
3) Skip Malone, ACB

Timer:  Gillian Goldsborough
Ah Counter/Grammarian:  Russ Vantrease

Club Business:

  • Russ presented the silent auction item that BET is donating to the spring conference. The theme was "Summer Survival"

  • The D63 spring conference is April 27-28 in Knoxville at the Downtown Marriott. Susan will be representing BET and taking our silent auction item.

  •  Election are on the horizon. Self nominations are now being accepted. Please let a current officer know if you are interested in a particular office.
  • The "traveling gavel" was presented to Darryl Pace to share with his club
  • Minutes were approved from the April 10 meeting.