BET Meeting Minutes, April 25, 2017
Presiding Officer: Janet Schreibman
Roles & Responsibilities:
Opening: Russ Vantrease, CC
Toastmaster: Marc
Word Master: David Green (Spiel, noun)
Humorist: Janet Schreibman, ACB, CL
Table Topics Master: Susan Martin, ACB
General Evaluator: Mike Costa, ACS
Grammarian/Ah Counter: David Green
Timer: Pankaj Soni, CC
Vote Counter: Susan Martin, ACB
Speaker 1: Jenae Vosburg -- Best Speaker
Speaker 2: Emilie Filler
Speaker 3: Skip Malone, ACB
Evaluator 1: Russ Vantrease
Evaluator 2: Ryan Barksdale
Evaluator 3: Gillian Goldsborough
Best Evaluator: ?
Best Table Topics: ?
Club Business:
- Mike presented treasurer's and membership report; Susan provided update on club plan status which is currently at the "Distinguished Select" level
- Minutes were approved from April 11 meeting
- Club will gather immediately after this meeting at Chili's for spring social
- Next meeting will be officer elections for 2017-2018. Self-nominations and nominations are currently open for all positions until voting occurs May 9.
- Officer slate is as follows:
- President: Janet Schreibman
- Vice President Education: Susan Martin
- Vice President Membership: Skip Malone
- Vice President Public Relations: Marc Smith
- Secretary: Emilie Filler
- Treasurer: Mike Costa
- Sergeant at Arms: Russ Vantrease