Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

November 28, 2017
Presiding Officer:
 Janet Schreibman

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener and Pledge: Russ Vantrease, CC
Remarks from President: Janet Schreibman
            1. Recognize guests – Jim Harwell
            2. Holiday potluck on Dec. 12, 2017
            3. Discussion of new Toastmaster educational protocol “Pathways Learning”
            4. Cancellation of meeting on Dec. 26

Toastmaster: David Green
Word of Day: Karl Jannisch - Benevolence- person of good will
Humorst: Mike Costa, ACS

Table Topics Master: Susan Martin, ACB
1. What Thanksgiving food did you like best? Mike Costa
2. Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? Karl Jannisch
3. What TV show you watch on Thanksgiving? Azieb Araya -- Winner

Prepared Speeches:
Speech #1: To Fire 0r Not to Fire Marc Smith Speech #1 Communicating on Video; 4:45
Speech #2:  Gillian Goldsboro CC Manual Speech, 5:34 -- Winner
General Evaluator: Ryan Barksdale, CC
Evaluator #1: Janet Schreibman, ACB,AL 3:16 --Winner
Evaluator #2: Russ Vantrease, 3:01
Timer: Skip Malone

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

BET Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2017
Presiding Officer:
Janet Schreibman

 Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener:  Russ Vantrease, CC
Toastmaster:  Marc Smith, CC
Word of the Day:  David Green
            pecuniary: related to money
Humorist:  Deborah Link, CC
Table Topics:  Gillian Goldsborough

Table Topic Winner:
Tawanda McDonald

1) Karl Jannasch
2) Russ Vantrease -- Winner
3) Susan Martin, ACB

General Evaluator:  Ryan Barksdale, CC
1) Janet Schreibman, ACB, AL
2) Ryan Barksdale
3) David Green - Winner

Ah Counter/Grammarian: Ben Arnold

Club Business:

  • Minutes were approved from last two meetings

  •  Susan reviewed our Distinguished Club Plan for members

  • Susan provided overview of Fall Conference in Chattanooga
  • The meeting for December 26 (day after Christmas) has been cancelled

  • We will host a holiday party at the December 12th meeting beginning at 6:15 with a potluck dinner. Janet will email all members a Sign Up Genius list so members may specify what each plans to bring. Regular meeting will begin at 7p

Monday, November 13, 2017

BET Meeting Minutes
October 24th, 2017
Presiding Officer:
Susan Martin

Roles & Responsibilities:

Opener: Susan Martin
Toastmaster: Gillian Goldsborough
Word of the Day: NONE
Humorist: Susan Martin
Table Topics: Tawanda McDonald

Table Topic Speakers:
1) Scott Boyer
2) Deborah Link --Winner
3) Kate Hovius

1) Marc Smith (w/ guest speaker Emilie Filler) "The Changing Landscape of a Big Country Town"
2) Skip Malone --Winner -- "Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons"

General Evaluator: Russ Vantrease
1) Susan Martin
2) Deborah Link -- Winner

Timer: Kathryn Shaw
Ah Counter/Grammarian: NONE

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

BET Meeting Minutes
September 26,  2017
Presiding Officer:
Janet Schreibman


Roles & Responsibilities:

            Toastmaster: Deborah Link, CC
            Wordmaster: Karl Jannasch
                        soberside...slang for wordless, dry person
            Humorist: Russ Vantrease, CC
            Table Topics Master: Tawanda McDonald
            Speech 1: Ben Arnold -- Best Speaker
            CC#3: Political Correctness or Being Politically Correct?” 7-9 min.
            Speech 2: Bill Martin, DTM
            CC#1 Icebreaker-“Having Fun Running Trains” 4-6 min.

General Evaluator: Ryan Barksdale, CC
            Evaluator 1: Gillian Goldsborough -- Best Evaluator
            Evaluator 2: Janet Schreibman, ACB, AL
            Ah Counter: Mike Costa, ACS
            Timer: Vikas Jain

Table Topic Questions
1.     What are some things you do when seasons change? Skip Malone
2.     What’s a new skill you wish to learn? Marc Smith
3.     Describe change of season versus seasons change! Pankaj Soni
4.     If you had a magic wand and could make a change to go somewhere, where and what would it be? Karl Jannasch -- Best Table Topic Winner

Club Business
1.     Review of TM values and mission statement.
2.    Area 42 Speech Contest to be held at Forest Hills United Methodist Church, Oct. 10, 6pm dinner, 7pm contest with BET club contestants Susan Martin for humorous speaking and Deborah Link as evaluator.
3.     Division Speech Contest will be Oct. 19 at Brookdale Senior Living Center in Franklin on Hwy 96.
4.    The last D63 Fall Conference will be held Nov. 10 & 11 in Chattanooga at the Doubletree Hotel. Registration is available online on the D63 website.