Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

BET Meeting Notes for March 25, 2014

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Toastmaster for the evening – Ani Osborne

Russ Vantrease opened the meeting and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to Toastmaster for the evening, Ani Osborne.

Club News:
The District 63 Spring Conference will be held April 4-6 in Nashville. Please visit for the agenda and information about tickets.

Dues are due! Membership dues are posted semiannually in March and September, and the spring deadline is March 31. BET members who renew for 12 months instead of 6 months will have a portion of their dues waived.

Toastmaster: Ani Osborne introduced the theme of the meeting, Happy Birthday.

Wordmaster: Ravi Aradhyula
Word of the Day: happaratchik |ˌäpəˈräCHik| noun, derogatory or humorous an official in a large organization, typically a political one

Humorist: Pankaj Soni told an original joke about bringing peanuts to Toastmasters.

Table Topic Master: Susan Martin hosted a birthday-themed Table Topics.
TT Speaker #1: Russ Vantrease shared his feelings about surprise birthday parties. (1:21)
TT Speaker #2: Skip Malone told us how he would spend his next birthday. (1:21)
TT Speaker #3: Mark Bayless shared a story about his sister who was born on Christmas. (1:21)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Marc Smith, “Reasons to Become a Mentor” (5:19)
Speaker #2: William Turner gave his ice-breaker! (6:42)
Speaker #3: Darryl Pace, “The Lesson of the Loom – On Persistence” (6:44)
Speaker #4: Jaylyn Bergner, “Four Keys to a Better Traveling Experience” (9:26)

Speech Evaluations:
General Evaluator: Mark Bayless
Evaluator #1: Mike Costa (3:13)
Evaluator #2: Rachel Sumner (3:13)
Evaluator #3: Allan Daniels (10:10)
Evaluator #4: Chris Meador (3:38)
Timer: Tricia Smith
Vote Counter: Pankaj Soni
Grammarian / Ah Counter: Richard Naslund

Best Table Topic: Russ Vantrease
Best Evaluator: Rachel Sumner
Best Speaker: Marc Smith

Word of the day users: Susan, Mark

Sunday, March 16, 2014

BET Meeting Notes for March 11, 2014

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday March 11, 2014
Toastmaster for the evening – Dasie Schulz

Mark Bayless, president of BET, opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to Dasie Schulz, Toastmaster for the evening. Guests were welcomed, including guest speaker Elizabeth Lindsay.

Theme: March 8 is International Womens’ recognition day. “That’s What She Said” is meeting theme in honor of this event and included inspirational quotes by notable women.

Club News:
  • Mark read mission of Toastmasters International.

  • Dasie made a motion, which Susan seconded and club members approved, to induct tonight the following individuals as new members: William Turner, Pat Thurmond and Tricia Smith.

  • Elizabeth Lindsay, Division D club ambassador, provided a presentation to BET about the upcoming revisions to the TI educational program will be rolled out in the coming months.

  • Ani represented BET in Table Topics at the area contest.

  • Dues are due by end of March. If you sign up for entire year, rather than six months, you receive a discount. Contact BET treasurer Mike Costa for details.

  • Upcoming events: After the March 25 meeting, members and guests are invited to a social gathering at Cinco de Mayo restaurant, 4944 Thoroughbred Lane, Brentwood.

  • The District 63 Spring Conference will be April 4-6 in Nashville. For the agenda and ticket information, visit

Word of the Day: Lysa Osborne
The act of pleading for or positively supporting a particular person or topic of interest

Humorist: Ryan Osborne told a “salty” story about “complimentary” peanuts

Table Topics:  Mike costa
Speaker #1: Mark Bayless – “Why is Tuesday the most productive day of the work week?” 1:49
Speaker #2: Janet Schreibman – “What is the most productive day of the week for you?” 1:23
Speaker #3: Pankaj Soni – “What is the least day of the week? :49
Speaker #4: William -- Do you have a personal “to do” item that you need to get done, and what day of the week would you pick to do it?”:59

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Elizabeth Lindsay –Upcoming changes to the educational program (5-7 min.) 6:59; (2-3 min.) for questions
Speaker #2: Don Kovach.-- #3 Special Occasion Speeches; The Roast: “Mr. Wonderful” (5-7 min.) 5:15
Speaker #3: Lysa Rigo – #6 CC Vocal Variety: “It’s All in the Way You Say It” (5-7 min.) 7:13

General Evaluator:  Rachel Sumner
Evaluator #1:  none necessary
Evaluator #2:  Bill Martin 3:02
Evaluator #3:  Susan Martin 2:50

Timer:   Jaylyn Bergner

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Mark Bayless
Vote Counter:  Pankaj Soni

Word of the Day Users:  Lysa, Mark B.

Table Topics:  William
Evaluator:  Susan Martin

Speaker:  Don Kovach