Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

BET Meeting Notes for October 22, 2013

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Toastmaster for the evening – Steve Ketterbaugh

Chris Meador opened the meeting in our usual meeting space, the Good News classroom of Forest Hills UMC, and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Club News:
Club President Mark Bayless welcomed the attendees and conducted opening club business.

Congratulations to Russ Vantrease on his achievement of Competent Communicator in Toastmasters, and to Dasie Schulz on completing her doctoral degree.

There is a District 63 Fall Conference in Monteagle on November 1-2. See for details.

Next week is a 5th Tuesday meeting, so we will not follow our usual agenda. We will forego the Table Topics and have a Speech-a-Thon, so please login to and sign up for a role!

Toastmaster: Steve Ketterbaugh set a theme for the evening of good health and your heart.

Humorist: Allan Daniels shared a joke about a robotic lie detector.
Wordmaster: Irma Perry
Word of the Day: heart noun the central or innermost part of something; one's mood or feeling; courage or enthusiasm

Table Topics Master: Russ Vantrease
Speaker #1: Rachel Sumner told us that her favorite article of clothing is her blanket. (1:38)
Speaker #2: Skip Malone expressed his desire to make the world a better place to live. (2:10)
Speaker #3: Ryan Osborne is attending a Halloween party as a tree – forever. (1:33)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Mark Bayless showed us everything you need for fitness in a shoebox. (11:24)
Speaker #2: Maya Ketterbaugh informed us about tea, the divine herb. (7:40)
Speaker #3: Allan Daniels gave an impromptu speech with and without visual aids. (8:13)
Speaker #4: Skip Malone speculated that Judge Judy must be a Toastmaster. (7:17)

Speech Evaluations:
General Evaluator: Richard Naslund
Evaluator #1: Don Kovach (3:36)
Evaluator #2: Ani Osborne (3:12)
Evaluator #3: Dasie Schulz (2:39)
Evaluator #4: Richard invited members of the audience to provide feedback on Skip's speech.
Timer / Vote Counter: Janet Schreibman
Grammarian / Ah Counter: Ryan Osborne

Best Table Topics: Ryan Osborne
Best Evaluator: Dasie Schulz

Best Speaker: Skip Malone

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

BET Meeting Notes for October 8, 2013

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Toastmaster for the evening – Lysa Rigo

Ryan Osborne opened the meeting in our usual meeting space, the Good News classroom of Forest Hills UMC, and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Club News:
Immediate Past President Rachel Sumner welcomed the attendees and conducted opening club business.

This week is fall break for Metro schools, and so the meeting had a little lighter turnout than usual, but we had FOUR guests!

Toastmaster: Lysa Rigo chose a theme for our meeting – “F words”

Humorist: Mike Costa
Wordmaster: Chris Meador
Word of the Day: perambulate |pəˈrambyəˌlāt| verb
[ no obj. ] walk or travel through or around a place or area, esp. for pleasure and in a leisurely way: he grew weary of perambulating over rough countryside in bad weather | [ with obj. ] : she perambulated the square.

Table Topics Master: Ani Osborne posed a series of Table Topics building up to her speech.
Speaker #1: Krishna Rao encouraged highly intelligent people to pursue difficult work. (1:13)
Speaker #2: Chris Meador described why employees may choose to leave their jobs. (1:35)
Speaker #3: Lysa Rigo speculated about the results of teacher evaluation and merit pay. (1:23)
Speaker #4: Rachel Sumner questioned the motivation of “do your best.” (1:45)

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1: Ani Osborne exposed management misconceptions of employee motivation. (8:30)
Speaker #2: Susan Martin - “Let Me Tell You a Story” (7:20)
Speaker #3: Pankaj Soni - “The State of the Meeting” (7:44)

Speech Evaluations:
General Evaluator: Krishna Rao
Evaluator #1: Mike Costa (3:08)
Evaluator #2: Chris Meador (3:16)
Evaluator #3: Susan Martin (3:01)
Timer / Vote Counter: Ryan Osborne
Grammarian / Ah Counter: Georgie (our guest!)

Best Table Topics: Chris Meador
Best Evaluator: Mike Costa
Best Speaker: Pankaj Soni

Word of the Day Users: Mike, Pankaj, Krishna, Rachel, Lysa