Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

BET Meeting Notes for January 22, 2013

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, January 22, 2013,
Toastmaster for the evening – Mark Bayless

Iris Schultz opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner. Rachel introduced and welcomed our guests, including District 63 Governor Don Bittick. Rachel then read the mission of Toastmasters International.

Club News: A group of members met at 6pm prior to our regular meeting to discuss next steps for implementing our 8-week Youth Leadership Program for middle and high school students, beginning on Feb. 19th.  We’d like members to help spread the word about enrollment, which will be limited to 15 participants. We’re producing a flyer which we will distribute to the group at the next meeting, as well as a sign-up sheet for members to help facilitate each session.

Toastmasters Leadership Training will occur Feb. 7th from 5:30 to 9:30 at Caterpillar on West End in Nashville. BET will cover registration cost if you are interested in attending. If so, talk to Mike Costa.

We are seeking members who are interested in running for office for the upcoming year. If you are interested or have questions about a particular position, please talk to one of the current officers.

Word of the Day:   Mike Costa – buffoon: n., a foolish person; person who amuses others by odd behavior.

Humorist:  Krishna Rao told a story about a husband who compliments his wife by listing her attributes cooresponding to letters of the alphabet.

Table Topics:  Russ Vantrease
Speaker #1: Rachel Sumner -- “What gives you butterflies and why?”
Speaker #2: Pankaj Soni – “What life lesson did you learn the hard way?”
Speaker #3: John Richardson -- “When did you first realize that life is short?”
Speaker #4: Susan Martin --“If you could make a 30-second speech to the whole world, what would you say?”
Speaker #5:  Ani Osborne – “What does your favorite smell remind you of?”

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1   Lysa Rigo – CC #3 Get to the Point; “The Paleo Plan“ 5-7 min.
Speaker #2   Steve Pell – CC #1 Icebreaker, 4-6 min. “Music is the Spice of Life”

General Evaluator:  Keith McLusky
Evaluator #1:  Don Kovach
Evaluator #2:  Andrew Payne

Timer:   Richard Nashlund

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Janet Schreibman
Vote Counter:  Ani Osborne

Word of the Day Users:  Mark Bayless, John Richardson, Susan Martin, Lysa Rigo, Steve Pell, Andrew Payne

Table Topics:  Ani Osborne
Evaluator:  Don Kovach
Speaker:  Steve Pell

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

BET Meeting Notes for January 8, 2013

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Toastmaster for the evening – Dasie Schulz

Chris Meador opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner. Rachel read the mission and introduced guests.

Club News:
Rachel recognized Manuel Glaze for earning his Advanced Leadership Bronze and presented him with his award.

BET treasurer, Mike Costa, discussed the donation amount we annually give the church. A motion was made by Mark Bayless and seconded by Dasies Schulz that we donate $150 this year to the church and was approved by membership.

Toastmasters Officers’ Leadership Training is coming soon with two session options: this Saturday, January 12, 2013 from 8am-noon at Cracker Barrel Corporate in Lebanon and Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013, from 5:30-9:30 pm, at Caterpillar on West End in Nashville. Rachel stated that in the past the club has paid registration fees for interested members to attend. Motion was made and seconded that BET will again pay for any interested members to go. Please notify Mike Costa if you are interested.

Word of the Day:   Janet Schreibman – dynasty: noun; a family or group that maintains power for a lengthy period of time

Humorist:  Lynn Wallace – told a story about a banker and a man using his Rolls Royce presumably for collateral, but really to get free paid parking in Manhattan.

Table Topics:  Don Kovach – topics featured computer security questions which participants selected
Speaker #1: Anne West – “What is the last name of your best friend from high school?” 2:15
Speaker #2: John Richardson – “What is your first pet’s name?” 2:06
Speaker #3:  Guest – “What is the name of the first company you worked for?” 2:10

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1   Steve Ketterbaugh – CC #4 How to Say It; “Four Locations to Visit in Franklin, TN” 5-7 min. (7:44)
Speaker #2   Andrew Payne – CC #6 Vocal Variety “Into the Woods” 5-7 min. (6:56)
Speaker #3:  Mark Bayless – Advanced manual, Humorously Speaking #4 “My Florida Winter Vacation” 9-11 min. (13:35)
Speaker #4:  Ani Osborne – CC #2 Organize Your Speech; “Reconstructive Memory” 5-7 min. (5:24)

General Evaluator:  Rachel Sumner
Evaluator #1:  Janet Schreibman  -- 3:13
Evaluator #2:  Allan Daniels -- 3:38
Evaluator #3:  John Richardson -- 3:09
Evaluator #4:  Chris Meador -- 3:20

Timer:   Manuel Glaze

Grammarian:  Pankaj Soni
Ah Counter:  Steve Pell
Vote Counter: Immanuel Belba-Smith

Word of the Day Users:  Mark Bayless, John Richardson, Chris Meador, Rachel Sumner

Table Topics:  John Richardson
Evaluator:  Janet Schreibman & John Richardson (tie)
Speaker:  Ani Osborn

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Russ Vantrease

Chris Meador opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner. Rachel welcomed and introduced our guests.

Club News:
Rachel mentioned that it is the policy of Toastmasters International for members to be at least 18 years of age, which presents an issue for youngsters who want to participate during our meetings. We are considering trying to begin a youth leadership program, or trying to offer an earlier time slot for those to participate who are interested and are younger than the minimum age requirement. Rachel has been in contact with district and other officers for suggestions.

We will not have a meeting on Tuesday, December 25, since that is the day of Christmas.

Word of the Day:   Lysa Rigo -- judicious  adj. sensible or wise; showing discretion

Humorist:  Andrew Payne  -- personal story about keeping a secret regarding a motorcycle and tattoo

Table Topics:  Mike Costa – gave a quote to each participant and asked them to speak about it.
Speaker #1: Don Kovach – “Super Bowl has now become more than a football game”
Speaker #2: Krishna  Rao – “Mail packages early so the post office has time to lose it before Christmas”
Speaker #3:  Lynn Wallace – “Nothing is sadder in this world than to wake Christmas morning and not be a child”
Speaker #4: Ani Osborne – “Christmas is not only getting too commercial, it’s getting too dangerous”
Speaker # 5: Pankaj  “Here’s the true spirit of Christmas…people being helpful other than me”
Speaker #6: Rachel Sumner   -- “A good conscious is a continual Christmas”

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1   Don Kovach: AC, Speaking to Inform; Fact-Finding Report, “One Yard Short” 5-7 min.  (7:10)
Speaker #2:  Mark Bayless: AC Humorously Speaking; #3 Make them Laugh, “Celebrating an American Original” (12-14)
General Evaluator:  Keith McLusky
Evaluator #1:  Lynn Wallace  2:40
Evaluator #2:  Richard Naslund 3:15

Timer:   Chris Meador

Grammarian/Ah Counter:  Janet Schreibman
Vote Counter:  Ani Osborne

Word of the Day Users:  Janet Schreibman

Table Topics:  Lynn, Janet, Don
Evaluator:  Richard Naslund
Speaker: Don Kovach