Evening Toastmasters
January 22, 2013,
for the evening – Mark Bayless
Iris Schultz opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of
Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner. Rachel
introduced and welcomed our guests, including District 63 Governor Don Bittick.
Rachel then read the mission of Toastmasters International.
Club News: A group of members
met at 6pm prior to our regular meeting to discuss next steps for implementing our
8-week Youth Leadership Program for middle and high school students, beginning
on Feb. 19th. We’d like
members to help spread the word about enrollment,
which will be limited to 15 participants. We’re producing a flyer which we will
distribute to the group at the next meeting, as well as a sign-up sheet for
members to help facilitate each session.
Toastmasters Leadership Training will
occur Feb. 7th from 5:30 to 9:30 at Caterpillar on West End in
Nashville. BET will cover registration cost if you are interested in attending.
If so, talk to Mike Costa.
We are seeking members who are
interested in running for office for the upcoming year. If you are interested
or have questions about a particular position, please talk to one of the
current officers.
Word of the Day: Mike Costa – buffoon: n.,
a foolish person; person who amuses others by odd behavior.
Humorist: Krishna
Rao told a story about a husband who compliments his wife by listing her attributes
cooresponding to letters of the alphabet.
Table Topics: Russ
Speaker #1: Rachel Sumner -- “What gives you butterflies and
Speaker #2: Pankaj Soni – “What life lesson did you learn the
hard way?”
Speaker #3: John Richardson -- “When did you first realize
that life is short?”
Speaker #4: Susan Martin --“If you could make a 30-second speech
to the whole world, what would you say?”
Speaker #5: Ani Osborne –
“What does your favorite smell remind you of?”
Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1 Lysa Rigo – CC
#3 Get to the Point; “The Paleo Plan“ 5-7 min.
Speaker #2 Steve Pell – CC
#1 Icebreaker, 4-6 min. “Music is the Spice of Life”
General Evaluator: Keith McLusky
Evaluator #1: Don Kovach
Evaluator #2: Andrew Payne
Timer: Richard Nashlund
Grammarian/Ah Counter: Janet Schreibman
Vote Counter: Ani
Word of the Day Users: Mark Bayless, John Richardson, Susan Martin, Lysa
Rigo, Steve Pell, Andrew Payne
Table Topics: Ani Osborne
Evaluator: Don Kovach
Speaker: Steve Pell