Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Toastmaster for the evening – Manuel Glaze

Russ Vantrease opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner. She welcomed and introduced our guests.

Club News:
Holiday Day pot luck party will be held on Nov. 27th in the dining hall of the church. Social hour begins at 6 pm, followed by dinner and an abbreviated meeting. BET will provide the main course. We encourage members to please sign up on Easy-Speak to bring a side dish, dessert or other needed items. Guests are welcome.

Rachel explained about her meeting in October with the church minister and his inquiry regarding what kind of outreach programs BET offers. Chris Meador will deliver a speech tonight which addresses some outreach options to consider.

The club inducted two new members: Lysa Rigo and Ani Osborne. Congratulations to Manuel Glaze who, as of tonight, earned his Competent Leadership and Advanced Leadership awards.

 Word of the Day: Lynn Wallace – stoical, adj. showing great self control when faced with emotion or pain.

Humorist:  Janet Schreibman told a “bedtime” story about the TV remote control and a couple who have been married for over 30 years.

Table Topics:  Mark Bayless
Speaker #1: Russ  Vantrease – “You are a fly on the tail of a Jet, How do you feel?” 1:21
Speaker #2: Keith McLusky – “You are a dedicated quilter. Why do you like the art of quilting?” 2:16
Speaker #3:  Ani Osborne – “If you could fly over any city in a hot air balloon, what city would you choose?” 1:06
Speaker #4: Tim Stowell – “Pick a weird place to live and describe it as a desirable place to live.” 1:37
Speaker #5:  Iris Schultz -- “If you could travel back in time, who would you most want to meet in your family history?” 1:19

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1:  Lysa Rigo -- CC #2 Organize Your Speech “Building a Strong Organization” 5-7 min. (7:25)
Speaker #2   Chris Meador -- CC #3 Get to the Point “Additional Toastmasters Presentation and Leadership Opportunities for Outreach in the Community” 5-7 min. (7:01)
Speaker #3:  Andrew Payne -- CC #5 Your Body Speaks “Life in the Fast Lane” 8-10 min. (11:06)

General Evaluator:  Dasie Schultz
Evaluator #1:  Mike Costa
Evaluator #2:  Richard Naslund
Evaluator #3:  Len Serafino

Timer:   Iris Schultz

Grammarian:  Keith McLusky
Ah Counter: Ani Osborne
Vote Counter:  Krishna Rao

Word of the Day Users:  Manuel Glaze, Janet Schreibman, Mark Bayless, Lysa Rigo, Chris Meador

Table Topics:  Ani Osborne and Russ Vantrease (tie)
Evaluator:  Richard Naslund
Speaker:  Lysa Rigo

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters
Speechathon Meeting Notes
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Toastmaster for the Evening – Andrew Payne

Jaylyn Bergner opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, then turned the gavel over to BET President Rachel Sumner.

Club News:
Rachel read the mission of TI, followed by welcoming our guest and new member. Holiday party will be held on Nov. 27th where guests are welcome. BET will provide main course and attendees are encouraged to sign up to bring other items. 

Prepared Speeches:
Speaker #1        Chris Meador -- CC #8 Get Comfortable with Visual Aids: “Ways to Count Votes in an Election” 5-7 (8:32)
Speaker #2        Steve Ketterbaugh – CC #3 Get to the Point: “The Power of Memories” 5-7 (6:23)
Speaker #3:       Don Kovach – Speaking to Inform #3, The Demonstration Talk: “What is That?”  5-7 (6:09)
Speaker #4:       Len Serafino – CC #3 Get to the Point: “One Way to Write a Novel”   5-7 (11:58)
Speaker #5        Lysa Rigo – CC #1 Ice Breaker: “The Perfect Storm” 4-6 (6:55)
Speaker #6:       Michael Moryc – “Return to the Land of Dragons” 10-12 (13:30)

General Evaluator:  
Evaluator #1:     Lynn Wallace 2:23
Evaluator #2:     Mike Costa -- written
Evaluator #3:     Rachel Sumner 2:24
Evaluator #4:     Janet Schreibman 3:13
Evaluator #5:     Mark Bayless 6:41
Evaluator #6:     Keith McLusky -- written

Timer:   Pankaj Soni

Vote Counter:  Richard Naslund

Evaluator:  Janet Schreibman
Speaker:    Don Kovach