Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Toastmaster for the evening – Sita Diehl


Andrew Payne opened the meeting and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then introduced Suzanne Harrison, BET vp of membership, who conducted the business of the meeting in the absence of Manuel Glaze, BET president.

Club News:

Suzanne called for a vote to accept Andrew Payne as a new BET member, which was unanimously approved, then led the membership in his induction. Andrew is being mentored by Mark Bayless. After reviewing the mission of Toastmasters International, she explained the recommended formalities of beginning and ending a speech. She then introduced Sita Diehl as the evening’s toastmaster.

After the speeches and evaluations, Suzanne announced the need for a judge and back-up judge for the Area Speech Contest on March 27th. If you are interested, please let her know. Rachel then read a letter from BET member Lynn Blake expressing her appreciation to the club and announcing her new career position/promotion requiring her relocation to Paris, France. We will miss Lynn and wish her the best of luck!

Word of the Day: Tim Diehl – recapitulate: revisit or summarize subject matter, as in recap; concisely repeat

Humorist: Mark Bayless – story about an older couple in a lawyer’s office

Table Topics: Don Kovach – asked speakers to select from several provided photos and give their interpretation of the imagery

Speaker #1: Ann West – “Ky vs. Vandy SEC Basketball Game” (1:34)

Speaker #2: Russ Vantrease – “Senator Passes Out on Red Carpet” (:43)

Speaker #3: Mike Costa – “Weather Report about Raining Chickens” (1:14)

Speaker #4: JT (visitor) – “Shoe Car Made in Italy” (:52)

Prepared Speeches:

Speaker #1: Allan Daniels – Better Speaker series: “Preparation & Practice” 10-12 min. (12:34)

Speaker #2: Dasie Schulz – Advanced Manual #3 Storytelling: “Perception is Everything” 4 to 6 min. (5:30)

Speaker #3: Janet Schreibman – CC #7: “Practice Your 3 Rs” 6 to 8 min. (8:12)

General Evaluator: Suzanne Harrison

Evaluator #1: Keith McLusky (written only)

Evaluator #2: Tim Stowell (2:45)

Evaluator #3: Mike Costa (2:57)

Grammarian/Ah Counter: Iris Schultz

Vote Counter: Ann West

Timer: Jessica Hernandez


Table Topics: Mike Costa

Evaluator: Mike Costa

Speaker: Janet Schreibman

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

International Speech and Table Topics Contest

Manuel Glaze, Contest Chair

Suzanne Harrison, Chief Judge


Manuel Glaze, BET president, called the meeting to order and led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Club News:

President Glaze announced the Area 40 International Speech and Table Topics Contest will be hosted by BET during our regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 27. The Division International Contest will be held on March 31 at the Holiday Inn in Murfreesboro. Manuel then introduced and welcomed our guests for the evening. After explaining the contest procedures, he invited Allan Daniels -- contest master for the evening -- to set the wheels of the contest in motion. At the conclusion of the contest, Manuel thanked those members who volunteered to fill various roles necessary in order to conduct the contest.

International Speech Contestants:

Speaker #1: Dasie Shulz – “Be the Change”

Speaker #2: Don Kovach – “Must Be Present to Win”

International Table Topics Contestants:

Topic: “Tomorrow is February 29th, an extra day of the year. When you wake up tomorrow, you’ll have a free day to do whatever you want. What will you do?”

Speaker #1: Mike Costa

Speaker #2: Russ Vantrease


Table Topics: Mike Costa

Speaker: Dasie Shulz