Brentwood Evening Toastmasters (BET)

Meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of each month.


Forest Hills United Methodist Church at 1250 Old Hickory Blvd in Brentwood, TN.

(BET is not affiliated with the church and is open to any and all individuals interested in self-improvement and effective communication. Through the open generosity of the church BET is able to hold meetings in one of its classrooms.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Toastmaster for the evening: Gary Karg


The meeting was called to order by Mark Brown who led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. After a brief recess, the meeting was turned over to the new BET president, Manuel Glaze.

Club News:

Manuel reviewed the mission of the club. He then shared highlights of the Toastmasters’ recent leadership session which was attended by numerous club members/officers. He informed members that a new, international branding rollout will be occurring in the near future followed by new leadership manuals. The intention of the new branding efforts is to help unify all Toastmasters clubs around the globe and provide more consistency for the entire organization. Before introducing the evening’s Toastmaster, Manuel acknowledged and welcomed our guests.

Word of the Day: Russ Vantrease

Assiduous – constant, persevering, attentive, working diligently

Humorist: Dasie Schulz

Table Topics: Allan Daniels

Allan challenged each Table Topics speaker to address individualized subjects….

Table Topics Speaker #1: Keith McLusky compared/contrasted summer weather in the US versus international climates

Table Topics Speaker #2: Janet Schreibman spoke on her recent vacation to Chicago

Table Topics Speaker #3: Rachel Sumner shared what REALLY bothers her

Prepared Speeches:

Speaker #1: Emily – Road Back from Layoff; speech #2

Speaker #2: Muhammad Sabir – Heaven on Earth Adventures in Vegas

Speaker #3: John Richardson – The Five Values I Learned During College

Speech Evaluations:

General Evaluator: Suzanne Harrison

Evaluator #1: Cindy Kubica

Evaluator #2: Srimanth Brindavanam

Evaluator #3: Michael Moryc

Timer: Brian Clinch

Grammarian/Ah Counter: Samuel Palaparthy

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Best Table Topics Speaker: Keith McLusky

Best Prepared Speech: John Richardson

Best Evaluator: Michael Moryc

The following members used the Word of the Day:

Dasie Schulz

Allan Daniels


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Brentwood Evening Toastmasters

Meeting Notes


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Toastmaster for the evening: Mike Costa


Sergeant at Arms, Manuel Glaze, opened the meeting promptly at 7p.m. and led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Club News:

Keith McLusky lead the induction of the 2011/2012 officers:

President: Manuel Glaze

VP Education: Rachel Sumner

VP Membership: Suzanne Harrison

VP Public Relations: Muhammad Sabir (not present)

Secretary: Janet Schreibman

Treasurer: Mike Costa

Sergeant at Arms: Dasie Schulz

Word of the Day: Tim Deihl

Humorist: Dan Michaels

Table Topics: Sita Deihl

Table Topics Speaker #1: Michael Moryc

Table Topics Speaker #2: Dasie Schulz

Table Topics Speaker #3: Lynn Blake

Prepared Speeches:

Speaker #1: Manuel Glaze, Presidential Speech

Speaker #2: Tim Stowell, "Conquering the Cold Call"

Speaker #3: Don Kovach, "The Desert Song"

Speaker #4: Sri Brindavanam "From Father to Dad"

General Evaluator: Allan Daniels

To keep the meeting on schedule for closing on time, Allan requested oral reviews for only 2 speeches, the other two were delivered in writing and one-on-one consult following the meeting.

Evaluator #1: Lynn Blake

Evaluator #2: Dasie Schulz

Evaluator #3: Michael Moryc

Evaluator #4: Suzanne Harrison

Timer: Janet Schreibman

Grammarian / Ah Counter: Tim Deihl

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Best Table Topics Speaker: Lynn Blake

Best Prepared Speech: Sri Brindavanam

Best Evaluator: Suzanne Harrison

The following members used the Word of the Day:

Michael Moryc

Dan Michaels

Sri Brindavanam

Lynn Blake

Sita Deihl

Allan Daniels